Zhamokti Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Kuruktag region. The Zhamokti Fm was named by Zhu Chengshun, Ye Yongzheng et al. (1957-1958), which was published by Gao Zhenjia (1981). The type section is located in Zhamokti spring of central Kuruktag, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). A main reference section is located in near Dongda Mt. and Yardang Mt., Kesitanbulak, Xinjiang Weiwuerzhu Zizhiqu (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region). Middle formation of the Kuruktag Gr (6 of 9).
Synonym: (扎莫克提租)
Lithology and Thickness
The Zhamokti Fm consists of a series of rhythmic sediments (turbidites or flysch) of gray, gray-green fining-upward beds of coarse-grained sandstone (often with lithic sandstone in the bottom), medium-grained sandstone, fine-grained sandstone, siltstone and muddy shale with incomplete Bouma sequences and graded bedding. The basal surfaces of beds have undertow marks including flute casts, groove marks and load marks. Horizontal and deformed laminations (disturbed beddings) are well developed. The Zhamokti Formation is 1230 m thick in the eastern Kuruktag. It decreases to 560- 920 m thick in the central and western part.
[Figure: Stratigraphic Column of the Kuruktag Gr]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The base of the formation is disconformable or unconformable with the underlying Teruiaiken Tillite (diamictite), and a bed of dolomite is often found at the top of the underlying rock (some geologists consider that the dolomite is carbonate rock cap formed at the top of tillite). Because of later erosion, the dolomite is absent in some regions. The formation could overlap different underlying formations, which shows unconformable and a weathering crust.
Upper contact
The top of the Zhamokti Fm is conformable with the overlying Yukengou Fm
Regional extent
Kuruktag region. The Zhamokti Formation is widely distributed in Kuruktag area, west from Moqinwula Mountains north of Korla, eastward to Xishankou, Moqinkuduk, and Luoqin jutubulak to the northeast and east of Yuli County and also to Yulegunbulak, south of Shanshan County.
Abundant microplants have been found in this formation, such as Trachysphaeridium rude, T. cultum, T. incrassatum, Pseudozonosphaera asperella etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information